There's Always Something New!

Upstairs at Saint James Place with Great Barrington Public Theater

We recently chatted with Jim Frangione of Great Barrington Public Theater.  Jim is the founder of this new and exciting theater company, which has its administrative office on the second floor here at Saint James Place. (Read about Great Barrington Public Theater’s upcoming reading: “Walking Evil–How Man’s Best Friend Became Man’s Worst Enemy” on November 28.)

GBPT members (from L to R) Anne Undeland, Deann Simmons Halper, and Jim Frangione.

Jim has collaborated with Sally and Fred Harris, owners of Saint James Place, since renovations began 12 years ago and loves being located at Saint James Place because “it’s so central to everything in town.” He went on to explain, “there’s a great group of artists that use Saint James Place and they all adore Sally and Fred and are thankful for all they’ve done.” 

The summer season of Great Barrington Public Theater included 3 new works performed at Simon’s Rock College. The audience attendance more than doubled from the expectations of this new theater group.

Now, Great Barrington Public Theater is looking toward the future.  On Thanksgiving Weekend, Sunday, November 28th from 2:00pm – 3:30pm Playwright, humorist Mark St. Germain’s will read selections from his new book, “Walking Evil–How man’s best friend became man’s worst enemy.” Learn more and buy tickets.

By the time the summer season of 2022 rolls around you can be sure Great Barrington Public Theater will have a full slate of incredible performances.

This article is part of a new series on our blog. We’ll feature and explore what’s going on in the offices upstairs at Saint James Place.